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ZipGenius now allows to open more than one archive at once through the "MultiOpen" feature. Click on "Open" and choose multiple archives to activate it, and the program will open the first selected archive; all selected archives will appear as tabs above the file list, so you can click on a tab to open its related archive.

If you right-click on a tab, you will get a popup menu with the following items:

Plus, if you are using ZipGenius in expert mode, you will also get:

These items are the same items you find in the "File" menu of ZipGenius.

If you have open a single archive, you can activate MultiOpen through the dropdown menu attached to the "Open" button, by clicking on "Add archive to MultiOpen List": you will prompted to select one or more archives to add to MultiOpen list; when you will choose some archives to add, the related tabs will be added.  

Moreover, ZipGenius 5.2 has been redesigned to be used with just one instance of the program, so if you are in MultiOpen mode and you click on an archive in Windows Explorer, ZipGenius will add that archive to the tab list.

In MultiOpen mode you can copy files from any archive to one or all zip files open. Select one or more files and right-click to see the popup menu, which will show a new item labeled "MultiOpen Actions" with these two functions:

Antivirus | Multivolume archives | Encryption | Scan and Zip | ZG Album | Command Line | Exporting files list | Backup features | documents optimization | WinAmp/WMP skins optimization | Search features | MultiOpen